Micron requires its suppliers to source . A growing awareness of the atrocities committed in these areas of conflict, including in the process of mining certain minerals, has prompted an industry wide investigation into any supply chain tainted by these atrocities. Communication on Progress (COP) Avon Specialty Metals is a UK based recycler of refractory metals and high temperature alloys, including Tantalum, Tungsten and Cobalt in their metallic and alloyed forms. RESPONSIBLE MINERALS SOURCING POLICY. In support of global responsible sourcing, Micron is committed to ensuring that conflict minerals* used in the manufacture of its products do not directly or indirectly fund violence or human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or adjoining countries. We are adopting this policy and have designed our program and due diligence practices in accordance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict Affected and High Risk Areas(OECD Due Diligence Guidance) in order to address responsible mineral sourcing. Commit to transparency in the implementation of this policy by making available reports on our progress to relevant stakeholders and the public. Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy. Known as the "conflict minerals rule," Sec.

Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy Responsible Minerals Minerals originating from regions of the world where there are ongoing conflicts may end up in various products. Responsible Minerals Procurement Policy. Panasonic Energy Co., Ltd. recognizes that the procurement of tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and cobalt from states in conflict areas and other high-risk areas may inadvertently fund organizations involved in bribery and other unlawful activities, which is a grave concern. Questions or Feedback on Intel's Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy may be submitted via web feedback form. Responsible Mineral Policy Version October 2019. In addition raw materials containing cobalt are covered by this policy. As a global leader in high performance engineered materials and metals, Materion Corporation (Materion) is aware of the risks of significant adverse impacts which may be associated with extracting, trading, handling and exporting minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) and recognizes that we have the responsibility to respect human . VIS Responsible Mineral Policy. As a global leader in . Some of these firms also may be engaged by companies to validate a company's scheme against the OECD Due Diligence Guidance. Other minerals and metals may on a business-need basis adhere in part or in full to the same processes or principles. We expect our suppliers 3M's Form SD We expect our suppliers minerals and enable solutions for responsible sourcing. As part of this commitment, Airbus strives to further worldwide improvement of responsible mineral use and sourcingand insists upon those we work with to do the same. industry are imperative for promoting responsible minerals sourcing with the goal of eradicating human rights violations associated with the extraction of certain minerals. We incorporate the principles of this policy into our contractually binding Supplier Requirements and will conduct due diligence consistent with OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. As one facet of our global approach to respecting human rights, Amphenol has implemented a responsible sourcing program for certain minerals used in the manufacture of our products. Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy In alignment with the United States requirements under Dodd-Frank and SEC 1502, and the EU Conflict Minerals Regulations, Sanmina is committed to following the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas. Publish reports on our progress in implementing this policy to afford transparency to relevant stakeholders and the public.

policy. we require suppliers to: source 3tg only from smelters and refiners validated as conformant to the responsible minerals assurance process third- party assessment program; maintain a policy to assure that the 3tg in the products they manufacture do not directly or indirectly contribute to significant adverse human rights impacts in cahras conflict minerals and require that such smelters obtain a "conflict-free" designation from the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) or similar industry program; 7. This policy outlines Intel's commitment to the responsible sourcing of minerals used in Intel products by Intel suppliers, including the sourcing of tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Background 100% of the suppliers adopted RMI (Responsible Minerals Initiative) approved smelters to provide products that . Mining is an intensive process involving potential social and environmental risks that, if not properly managed, may cause lasting negative impacts. Mining is an intensive process involving potential social and environmental risks that, if not properly managed, may cause lasting negative impacts. Responsible Mineral Sourcing Policy Background Sensata is committed to responsible mineral sourcing and strives to conduct activities that respect and support human rights throughout its global supply chain. RESPONSIBLE MINERALS SOURCING POLICY General Motors (GM) is committed to sustainable and responsible sourcing of goods and services throughout our supply chain, including the various extracted minerals from around the world that ultimately become incorporated into our goods or services. Download PDF Download PDF Related Videos Show moreShow less Related Materials As one facet of our global approach to respecting human rights, Amphenol has implemented a responsible sourcing program for certain minerals used in the manufacture of our products. Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy. participate in capability building efforts around responsible minerals sourcing; establish due diligence processes around responsible minerals sourcing and management systems to support these processes, including developing a policy on responsible minerals sourcing (or if one has been established, reviewing it on a regular basis); Topsoe is committed to responsible sourcing of conflict minerals (tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold - generally referred to as 3TG) in the company's supply chain and to comply with applicable requirements, such as the EU Conflict Mineral Regulation, which came into effect on January 1, 2021 Certain high-risk minerals (notably tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and cobalt) sourced from regions of the world with ongoing conflict carries a risk of funding .

Although we do not purchase minerals directly from mining companies or smelters/refiners (SORs), we The consultation is available to all interested stakeholders and will be open from May 2 to July 1, 2022. Responsible Minerals Policy. This topic is dealt with in the "OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High- Risk Areas" (OECD Due Diligence Guidance) and has also been addressed by the legislators in various regions, including the United States of America and the European Union. 3TG are sometimes known as "conflict minerals"1 because of concerns about their mining and sale contributing to armed Responsible Minerals Policy .

This commitment contributes to sustainable economic and environmental development through all . RESPONSIBLE MINERALS POLICY OUR COMMITMENT Qorvo is committed to responsible mineral sourcing and strives to conduct activities that respect and support human rights throughout its global supply chain. The Responsible Minerals Initiative developed a list of firms that are able to assist with the implementation of OECD Due Diligence Guidance compliant sourcing schemes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries. At Corning, corporate social responsibility is a proactive commitment to preserving the trust of our stakeholders. Responsible Minerals Learn more about 3M's efforts for Responsible Sourcing We are 91,000 employees helping solve some of the world's biggest challenges, connected by a single ambition to improve lives. conflict minerals and require that such smelters obtain a "conflict-free" designation from the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) or similar industry program; 7. Responsible Minerals Policy Amphenol is committed to respecting and promoting human rights worldwide. Although we do not purchase minerals directly from mining companies or smelters/refiners (SORs), we The intent of this policy is to achieve responsible sourcing within our global supply chain and to ensure that certain metals used in our products are sourced in Certain high-risk minerals (notably tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and cobalt) sourced from regions of the world with ongoing conflict carries a risk of funding . We incorporate the principles of this policy into our contractually binding Supplier Requirements and will conduct due diligence consistent with OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

In 2021, Novatek surveyed a total of 31 suppliers related to manufacturing and packaging services. 8. We condemn the unlawful exploitation of mineral resources from any locations in the world and we fully support the goal of ending violence, human rights violations, and environmental devastation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and its surrounding countries - known as the "Conflict Region". Responsible Minerals Policy Responsible Minerals Policy In support of global responsible sourcing, Micron is committed to ensuring that conflict minerals* used in the manufacture of its products do not directly or indirectly fund violence or human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or adjoining countries One way the United States has attempted to enshrine supply chain responsibility in law is through section 1502 of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law. Our role in the supply chain The RMI runs regular workshops on responsible minerals sourcing issues and contributes to policy development and debates with leading civil society organizations and governments.

Read more RMI Statement on Russia-Related Sanctions Amphenol is committed to respecting and promoting human rights worldwide. The []

Our program seeks to ensure that our products do not As a global leader in high performance engineered materials and metals, Materion Corporation (Materion) is aware of the risks of significant adverse impacts which may be associated with extracting, trading, handling and exporting minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) and recognizes that we have the responsibility to respect human . Corning Incorporated's Corporate Position on Conflict Minerals. By adopting this Policy and collaborating with our customers and suppliers, especially through the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), formerly Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI), 3M is working with others to promote responsible business practices and foster peace and prosperity, which is consistent with 3M values. minerals and enable solutions for responsible sourcing. Responsible Minerals Policy June 2021 Responsible Minerals Policy Amphenol is committed to respecting and promoting human rights worldwide.

Airbus is committed to ensuring responsible business practices are embedded throughout its value chain. Responsible Minerals Policy Responsible Minerals Policy. RESPONSIBLE MINERALS SOURCING POLICY. Publish reports on our progress in implementing this policy to afford transparency to relevant stakeholders and the public. Responsible Minerals Minerals originating from regions of the world where there are ongoing conflicts may end up in various products. Mining is an intensive process involving potential social and environmental risks that, if not properly managed, can cause lasting negative impacts. With more than 400 member companies, the Responsible Minerals Initiative is one of the most utilized and respected resources for companies from a range of industries addressing responsible mineral sourcing issues in their supply chains.. We provide companies with tools and resources to make sourcing decisions that improve regulatory compliance and support responsible sourcing of minerals from . Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP)4. 1502 was intended to improve the humanitarian situation in the affected African countries, decrease access to funding for armed groups . February 2022. participate in capability building efforts around responsible minerals sourcing; establish due diligence processes around responsible minerals sourcing and management systems to support these processes, including developing a policy on responsible minerals sourcing (or if one has been established, reviewing it on a regular basis); Our program seeks to ensure that our products do not

Responsible Minerals Policy As a manufacturer of environmentally friendly products with a long-standing tradition and culture of ethics, integrity, and trust, Johnson Electric is committed to the responsible sourcing of minerals including tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold ("3TG") and cobalt throughout our supply chain. Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy (101K) Transparency is at the heart of our commitment.

The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and the Copper Mark today announced the launch of a public consultation on the draft Risk Readiness Assessment (RRA) and Criteria Guide. As one facet of our global approach to respecting human rights, Amphenol has implemented a responsible sourcing program for certain minerals used in the manufacture of our products. 8. According to the survey results, 154 smelters have been identified, covering 30 countries. Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy This policy outlines Intel's commitment to the responsible sourcing of minerals used in Intel products by Intel suppliers, including the sourcing of tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

RESPONSIBLE MINERALS POLICY OUR COMMITMENT Qorvo is committed to responsible mineral sourcing and strives to conduct activities that respect and support human rights throughout its global supply chain. Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy. Although we do not procure minerals directly, our suppliers acquire and use minerals from multiple sources worldwide. Scope This policy covers procurement of raw materials containing minerals and metals defined as "Conflict Minerals" (EU Regulation 2017/821). Responsible Minerals Management Performance. Our company handles 1) Secondary (scrap) 2) recycled products made exclusively from scrap 3 . VIS is in accordance with the requirements of Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), as well as the conflict minerals source disclosure regulations recently issued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Rule 13p-1 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934), to Adopted: April 2013 Updated: March 2019 Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy Statement. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Cisco Responsible Minerals Policy Background Electronic products contain various minerals necessary for functionality including tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold (referred to as "3TG").

Responsible Minerals Policy Updated July 25, 2014 Page 2 of 2 any human rights violations or abuses, such as: (i) widespread sexual and gender-based violence; (ii) war crimes, or (iii) other serious violations of international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity or genocide; or