5. 30050 ViaFluor CFSE Cell Proliferation Kit 495/519 ViaFluor SE Cell Proliferation Dyes Figure 1. 4. Here in we developed a carboxyfluoroscein (CFSE) staining-based flow cytometric assay to quantify gonococcal adherence to human cervical ME-180 cells, a cell line used extensively to study N. gonorrhoeae and host cell interactions [ 10 ]. Anat Cell Biol 48(1):25-35. doi: 10.5115/acb.2015.48.1.25; Abstract. The cells were then centrifuged and resuspended in . Label 10E6 cellule/ml in 5 M CFSE final (conc stock 1000x ). The use of the CFSE-labeled T cells at time 0 to set the initial fluorescence level is not adequate, as the cells are extremely fluorescent within the first hours after staining and detection problems appear. Protect cells from light at this and . The figure depicts a schematic representation of the major steps involved in the protocol. CFSE is then quenched with complete media for 10 min in ice. Add 10 l of 0.01 mM CFSE solution per ml of cells ( Section 1.3.2, concentration of 1 x 10 6 cells/ml in PBS + 0.1% BSA) for a final concentration of 0.1 M. Wash the cells 2x with PBS to get rid of free protein. For longer time points, you can increase the CFSE concentration. Often is such a case the use of indirect staining can boost weak signals; however, this does run the risk of increased background due to non-specific binding of secondary polyclonals. IMMUNOTHERAPYof cancer and other diseases has become one of the most prom- ising and popular research areas in medicine (1). 2. Add culture media of choice and dispense the labeled cell onto slide or into a culture vessel of choice. Labeling are as follows 1 the binding of CFDA-SE fluorescent dye to cells is stable 2 CFDA-SE. If you do not know the cell number on the flask,. Immune cells trafficking from the blood also infiltrate the affected CNS parenchyma and contribute to neuroinflammation. 5. Count cell number 15 and resuspend the positively selected leukocytes (i.e., CD4 + T lymphocytes or CD14 + cells) in leukocyte complete medium, using 1 ml of medium per 10 7 cells. Cap Code . Note: When harvesting, only cells in suspension and loosely adherent cells should be isolated for further use and this protocol can render about 6-8 10 7 DCs in sum. CFSE labeling was conducted with 10 M CFSE stock according to manufacturer's protocol for cells in suspension (Molecular Probes C34554). Add equal volume of culture media (containing serum) to the cells + CFSE staining solution and allow to sit for 5 minutes. After completion of BR protocol the cells were collected and studied in a cytometer for validating the expansion of the cells by means of CFSE stain. If CFSE-labeled cells did transit from the brain, pharmacological interruption of this process should lead to their retention in the CNS. Labeled cells retain both biological and proliferative activity, and are ideal for cell tracking and cell-cell interaction studies. NBP2-54852. Add equal volume of culture media (containing serum) to the cells + CFSE staining solution and allow to sit for 5 minutes. These protocols have varied greatly between . 1. BestProtocols: BrdU Staining Protocol for Flow Cytometry . 2c ). . Removal of cell culture medium. Add an equal volume of CFDA-SE solution to your cell suspension. Image using the appropriate emission and excitation filters for the CellTracker probe (Table 1). 5.

Thus, peripheral blood cells or cells that grow in suspension are well suited for analysis by flow cytometry. CFSE Staining Protocol First, you have to get rid of red cells. . The cell division implied by the prior PI staining was confirmed using CFSE-labeled CD14 + monocytes cultured in M-CSF; CFSE fluorescence levels were determined after 4, 6, and 9 days.

NBP2-54852. We recommend staining treated cells with CFSE alone and 7-AAD alone to choose the proper instrument gating set . . Add 400 L of the gelatin-coating solution, and incubate the coverslips for 10 minutes at room temperature. 2. CFSE staining of adherent cells for cell proliferation assay - posted in Flow Cytometry: Hi, I have recently started with CFSE cell proliferation assay of NIH3T3 stable cells. Add 1 l of CFSE Staining Solution and 1 l of 7-AAD Staining Solution to untreated and treated cells. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. 4. The proper choice of an assay method depends on the number and type of cells used as well as the expected outcome. NOTE: CFSE concentrations used here are about ten-fold lower than the ones commonly applied in proliferation assays, hence cell toxicity of the dye is minimal. 2. fixation, but cells stained with ViaFluor CFSE lost a significant amount of signal. The cells were re-pelleted and resuspended in pre-warmed cell culture medium and incubated for 30 min. Incubate in a 37C water bath, protected from light, for 30 minutes. The pores in the PC membrane can be seen in the background. This application protocol describes a complete workflow for the engineering of CAR T cells for research. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. cells/ml. This staining strategy allows for the detection of dead (CFSE pos+PI+) target cells and dead (CFSE neg+PI+) CAR-T cells. . CellTrace CFSE Cell Proliferation Kit is used for in vitro and in vivo labeling of cells to trace multiple generations using dye dilution by flow cytometry. at 37C or longer (but not long enough for the cells to proliferate) in a CO 2 incubator. CellTrace CFSE staining. To ensure that only proper target cells are gated, use a side scatter versus FL-1 plot. The NET stock is used to coat the wells of a 96 well cell culture plate O/N, and after ensuring an adequate NET monolayer formation on the bottom of the wells, CFSE labeled A549 cells are added. a. For the past several decades, various isolation and expansion methods have been developed to harness the full antitumor potential of NK cells. The low cost of CFSE with a simple and rapid labeling protocol makes it a convenient dye for clinical use in laboratories, and, it is . Incubate for 30 min. Refer to Best Protocols Staining Cell Surface Targets, Protocol A for details. Image using the appropriate emission and excitation filters for the CellTracker probe (Table 1). Cell Stem Cell 4(3):226-235. doi: . Spin cells fixed in ethanol at 2000rpm for 15 minutes; Remove ethanol; Resuspend cells in 0.5mL cold PBS for small pellet and 1mL cold PBS for large pellet and transfer to flow cytometer friendly tube; Add 1/20 volume of 10mg/mL RNAse A (in TE buffer) Add 1/40 volume of 1.6mg/mL propidium iodide (in ddH 2 O) Incubate at 37C for 30 minutes covered

4.1 Staining protocol for single cells Adherent cells as well as single cells embedded in an extracellular matrix can be stained using the following protocol: 1. The proliferative status of T cells at the day of transduction was analyzed by staining with carboxy-fluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) as previously described. Evaluation of the phenotype and functional activity of the resulting DCs. supernatants were collected and adherent cells . CellTrace CFSE Cell Proliferation Kit . Resuspend the cells with 10 M CFSE solution (diluted in 1PBS) and mix well followed by incubation at 25 . Fix the cells by adding 100 L of IC Fixation Buffer and pulse vortex to mix. Incubate cells for 5 minutes. Addition of staining solution. Grow cells to desired density on coverslips or chamber slides. Prepare 10 mM stock solution of carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE, Invitrogen, CA) by adding 9 L DMSO to a vial of Cell Trace CFSE staining solution. Due of the complex nature of cell culture, identifying the underlying causes of culture behavior problems is often a difficult, time-consuming task. One focus of these therapeutic approaches is how we can modify or improve the patient's cellular immune system to cope with a specific disease. Remove the gelatin-coating solution, and air dry the coverslips for 15 minutes. After harvesting, it is essential to assess the viability and cell number of neural cell suspensions prior to cell surface staining. Carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester ( CFSE) is a fluorescent cell staining dye. That's why we have developed this guide to help you identify and solve some of the common and uncommon causes of cell culture growth problems. Labeling of Adherent Cells 1. b. 5. Quiescent . Please read the following cell viability protocol in its entirety before beginning. Read entire protocol before performing the assay. Typically about 100 L residual volume remains. To ensure that only proper target cells are gated, use a side scatter versus FL-1 plot. Remove culture media. . Remove the medium and add a sufficient volume of pre-warmed PBS containing cell proliferation dye to completely cover cells. Degeneration of motor neurons, glial cell reactivity, and vascular alterations in the CNS are important neuropathological features of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Cells were infected with CFSE-and biotin-labelled N. gonorrhoeae for 60 min, fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS and processed for FBA staining essentially as described previously (Agerer et al., 2004). 7. 3. Centrifuge the cells and remove the CellTracker Working Solution. 2. Density plots show CFSE-versus-CD11c staining profiles of monocytes loaded with CFSE before culture, and the CFSE-versus-CD11c, -MHC II, and control background staining profiles of CFSE-loaded monocytes cultured with GM-CSF plus IL-4 for the indicated times. Kit Contents: Components . Incubate cells in CFSE staining solution for 10-15 minutes at room temperature or at 37C. 6 3. Primary antibody staining tends to be the most efficient and gives the clearest signal, but this is not always the case with weakly expressing cells. Mice and tumor xenografts NOD.CB17-Prkdc scid/J mice were purchased from Jackson Laboratories and housed in the UMass Animal Medicine Facilities. . Flow cytometry adherence results were confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. (CFSE). Bizi Arayn! Keep your cells growing. Add an equal volume of 2X CFSE Bait Cell Staining Solution to the cell suspension, being sure to add the entire volume quickly, and mix immediately. Staining protocol for adherent cells 1. Carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester CFSE is a fluorescent cell staining dye1. Following the previ-ously listed method, use Cell Counting Kit-8 to count the cells. Product Line Colors Protocol Stain live cells Stain fixed cells Fixable Staining Applications/Notes CellBrite & Adherent and suspension cells IV. This control will also help identifying the starting fluorescence peak (the parent population) in proliferating cells. 4. Resuspend cells in 10 mL of CellTrace CFSE staining solution. Also, prepare Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI, Gibco, NH) media supplemented with 10% FBS, 100 unit/mL penicillin, and 55 M 2 . Monoclonal antibody-based immunotherapeutics will dominate Pharma's next Quench staining and wash cells with culture media to remove unincorporated CFSE. Incubate cells for 20 minutes in a 37C water bath. Fixable Dyes - Dead cells allow fixable viability dyes to cross their membranes where they stain intracellular amines that are more abundant in the cytoplasm than the extracellular amines on the surface of live cells. 2. CellTrace Cell Proliferation Kits | 5 Alternate method to label adherent cells 3.1 Prepare CellTrace stock solution immediately prior to use by adding the appropriate volume of DMSO (Component B) to one vial of CellTrace reagent (Component A) and mixing well (see Table 2, page 3). The final dilution of CFSE is 1:400. Read entire protocol before performing the assay. This chapter describes the procedure for CFSE staining and subsequent isolation of quiescent stem-like cell population within a culture of human GBM . the "easiest" assessment of cell viability is to stain either dead cells with a membrane impermeant dye (pi, 7aad, sytox dyes, or fixable viability dyes from ebiosciences/bd/lifetechnologies, etc.) Fixated/ Permalized cells show PI staining (DNA / cell cycle staining) Staining concentrations: 1 g/ ml for live / dead discrimination 50 g/ ml for DNA / cell cycle analysis For dead cell exclusion you can add PI shortly before your analysis, otherwise at least 10-15 min before your cell cycle measurements H 2N NH 2 I-+ I-N + N Preparation of the staining solution according to table 1 (keep in refrigerator). CFSE cell staining is measured in the FL1 channel and 7-AAD cell staining is measured in the FL3 channel. Adherent HeLa cells and MCF-7 cells were labeled with ViaFluor 488 (green) and ViaFluor 405 (blue), . 2) Cell viability assays-metabolic activity and dye generation changes in proportion to altered viability. Prepare a volume of CFDA-SE equal to your cell volume above (no more than 2ml per labeling reaction). 3. Celigo is a plate-based benchtop brightfield and fluorescent imaging system designed for whole-well live-cell analysis and cell sample characterization. Add culture media of choice and dispense the labeled cell onto slide or into a culture vessel of choice. Integration of Annexin V and CFSE staining accurately detects treatment-induced changes in proliferation in populations undergoing apoptosis.

. in suspension, and compared to control samples of MSC which were maintained in adherent cell culture for 24 h. Under these conditions, the same MSC:PBMC ratio of 1:5 exhibited 28.94% less inhibition . Invert the tube occasionally to make sure there is even labeling of cells with CFSE. Note: CFSE has been widely used in immunological investigations, for both in vivo and in vitro . Incubate the cells for 20 minutes at 37C to label the cells. The cells were stained with CellTrace CFSE fluorescence stain at a concentration of 0.7 M in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) and incubated at 37 C for 15 min. Add 40 mL OpTmizer T Cell Expansion SFM to the cells to absorb any unbound dye. After the last wash, discard the supernatant and pulse vortex the sample to completely dissociate the pellet. Resuspend the cell pellet with PBS (1% FBS) for staining. Cells can be formaldehyde fixed post staining. Download Application | PDF 2.1 MB. and the non-adherent and loosely adherent cells were transferred into a new plate and cultured for an additional 4-5 days to obtain MoDC . Ag/ml) in PBS. Mast cells (MCs) are hematopoietic-derived immune cells whose precursors differentiate upon migration . CFSE is cell permeable and covalently couples, via its succinimidyl group, to intracellular molecules, notably, to intracellular lysine residues and other amine sources. 3. Centrifuge cells for 5 minutes at 300 x g and resuspend the cell pellet in pre-warmed OpTmizer T Cell Expansion SFM. 3. One of my colleagues informed that high concentration of CFSE or incubation for long hours affects the proliferation and differentiation of cells (especially PBMC derived cells). PKH Fluorescent Cell Linker Kits use patented fluorescent cell linker technology to incorporate reporter molecules into the cell membrane. . Mix gently and incubate for 5 to 10 minutes at 37C. It includes isolation of donor T cells, followed by activation, gene-transfer of the CAR construct, CAR T cell expansion, as well as the phenotyping and analysis of the final CAR T cell product. Centrifuge the cells and remove the CellTracker Working Solution. Assays for cell proliferation may monitor the . Re-suspend cells at 100 L per 1 x 10 7 cells and stain with the following fluorophore-conjugated antibodies: Linage negative . Do not label with too high CFSE concentration if you want to look at cell division after 1-2 days. Often is such a case the use of indirect staining can boost weak signals; however, this does run the risk of increased background due to non-specific binding of secondary polyclonals. Imaging and Quantification of CAR T Mediated Cytotoxicity Celigo Experimental Protocol. The absence of widespread CFSE staining in the CxLNs of mice treated with systemic fingolimod and the confinement of CFSE staining to specific leukocyte subsets also indicated that nonspecific leakage of . Pellet the labeled cells by centrifugation and resuspend in fresh pre-warmed culture medium. BASIC PROTOCOL 1: DIFFERENTIAL STAINING OF CELL-BOUND AND INTERNALIZED BACTERIA ASSOCIATED WITH ADHERENT CELLS. 5). Cfse with cell. 31 In brief, T cells were washed with PBS and resuspended at a density of 2 10 7 cells/mL in PBS. For each culture time, the total number of cells per well is indicated. In some wells, 1000U DNAse1 is added 10 min before counting to degrade NETs. After 4 h of in vitro coculture between T cells and CFSElabeled infected or uninfected THP1 cells, staining with propidium iodide (PI) was performed to distinguish between vital and dead cells. Quench staining and wash cells with culture media to remove unincorporated CFSE. Refer to Best Protocols Staining Cell Surface Targets, Protocol A for details. Incubate the cells for another 20 minutes at 37C to ensure sufficient hydrolysis of CFSE. CellTrace Violet (CTV) is a proliferation dye that fluorescently labels cellular proteins [] and can be detected using flow cytometry [].The quantification of cell proliferation is an essential method to characterize cells in different research areas, such as immunology [3, 4] and cancer research [5, 6].CTV proliferation quantification with flow cytometry enables single-cell proliferation . After the last wash, discard the supernatant and pulse vortex the sample to completely dissociate the pellet. . . Assays to measure cellular proliferation, cell viability, and cytotoxicity are commonly used to monitor the response and health of cells in culture after treatment with various stimuli.

CFSE cell staining is measured in the FL1 channel and 7-AAD cell staining is measured in the FL3 channel. Briefly vortex to mix well.

The following protocol has been developed and optimized by R&D Systems Flow Cytometry Laboratory for cell viability staining using propidium iodide. Applications. 2) You label a X amount of cells with a Y amount of CFSE for a Z amount of time (normally one million cells per milliliter with 5M CFSE for 8 min). For microplate quantitation of viable cells, proceed the next step. Both lines underwent relatively synchronized cell division throughout the culture period, and therefore the CFSE histograms consist of one main peak with a few small satellite . U937, a suspension cell type, is a monocyte cell line widely used in macrophage differentiation studies, while U2OS, an adherent cell type, is an osteosarcoma cell line. Target cells (adherent or suspension) were collected and stained with tracer dye CFSE; Target cells were seeded in the wells of microplates; Adherent cells are quantified using a Nikon TE300 fluorescent microscope. 4. Stringer BW, Boyd AW, Johns TG, Blot V, Duggal R, Reynolds BA (2015) Neurosphere and adherent culture conditions are equivalent for malignant glioma stem cell lines. . a. Compared to the initial sample, the cell population after. or to stain live cells specifically with dyes which require esterase enzymatic processing (calcien-am, cfse, celltrace violet, etc) or to use both in 1) Cell proliferation determinations-the GlpBio Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) is water soluble, stable in culture, and non-toxic. Celigo images and analyzes cells in various types of vessels including 6 - 1536 well plates, T25, T75 flasks, 10 cm dishes, and glass slides without disturbing their natural state. 3.2 Grow the cells to the desired density on coverslips or flasks filled with the appropriate (CFSE) staining and flow cytometric analysis.

4. Due to the nonspecific labeling of the dyes, a wide variety of cell types . . After 72 h of mitogenic stimulation, there was an evident increase in the size of the cell cytoplasm (Fig. Abstract: Leishmania parasites are capable of effectively invading dendritic cells (DCs), a cell popu lation orchestrating immune responses against several diseases, including leishmaniasis . Cells stained with these products can also be run unfixed. Samples were removed from spinner flasks and directly investigated using a fluorescence microscope to observe CFSE-staining of cells adherent to microcarriers. The bacterial strains was used as state, for cell division, and quicker development and plasmid content, this is becoming even in the speed is desired. Make serial dilutions of 2.5 x 104, 1.25 x 104, 6.2 x 103 .0 cells/ well to each well in a 96 well plate using HeLa cells (human cervical cancer cells) or HL60 cells (promyelocytic leukemia cells) suspensions as indicated in Fig. Optional steps (CFSE dye or intracellular antigen labeling) are indicated by light grey boxes. Kit Contents: Components . CFSE Staining of Leukocytes for Assessment of Proliferation. Using CFSE retention capacity, we identified and isolated a slow cycling subpopulation (top 5% dye-retaining cells) in human GBM cells enriched in cells with cancer stem cell activity [14, 15].