Reply:50% The possibilities for offspring are: Pp Pp pp and pp What are the gametes of a plant with a genotype of SS Y y? What would be the genotype of a pink flower? In this case, a red flower has the genotype RR, a white flower has the genotype rr whereas a pink flower has the genotype Rr[ any heterozygous flower is pink]. What is the phenotype of a plant with a genotype of RW? That is, for every three purple-flowered plants, there was one white flowered plant. When an allele that codes for red flowers and an allele that codes for white flowers are both present in the genotype, this gives the organism a heterozygous genotype of C R C W. . What is the phenotype of a plant with the genotype RR? . Now, lets take two plants from this generation. The genotype for the pink flower is Rr and the genotype for the white flower is rr. So, this cross is RR rr.

Plants with a CRCR genotype have red flowers.

Identify the phenotypes of all the offspring plants. In snapdragons, heterozygotes have pink flowers, whereas homozygotes have red or white flowers.

5.0 /5. A pair of allelesone from each parentmakes up the genotype for a trait. In this cross, all of the . Advertisement. When plants w? . _____ b. What has occurred when red and white snapdragons have heterozygous pink flowers? The genotype for the pink flower is Rr and the genotype for the white flower is rr. flower color in snapdragon plants is a character that shows incomplete dominance.

In snapdragon plants, the genotype RR produces red flowers and Rr produces pink flowers and rr produces white flowers. [1 mark] 0 .5 3 What is the genotype of a white-flowered snapdragon plant? . In these cases, the phenotype of each individual plant is its flower color, red, white, or pink.

Crossing red flowers (RR) with white flowers (rr) in the punnet square will result in all 4 results being (Rr), which means 100% pink flowers. In snapdragons, flower color is | bartleby. If both alleles are inherited, a blended or intermediate phenotype of pink results (RW). What is the probability of having a white flowered plant if the parents were heterozygous red and homozygous red?

B) What is your reasoning? Like mitochondria, chloroplasts also have their own DNA. A pair of allelesone from each parentmakes up the genotype for a trait. It describes about the nature of each allele .

37 *37* Use the following symbols for alleles in your answers to Questions 05.2 to 05.4: Pea plants Snapdragon plants R = allele for red flowers CR = allele for red flowers r = allele for white flowers CW = allele for white flowers 0 5 .

The seeds from these plants were collected and sown, and the new plants produced flowers as shown: Number of plants with red flowers 27 Number of plants with pink flowers 56 Number of plants with white flowers 29 (i) State genotype of the original pink flowering parents. Hint: Self-pollination of Snapdragon plants shows a great deviation from Mendel's law of dominance in the ${ F }_{ 1 }$ generation.The offspring of the inbred red and white flower-bearing plants show some pink flowers in the ${ F }_{ 1 }$ generation.

To get the most pink flowers, a red and white rose plant must be mated.

Here 'R' represents the dominant color of the flower that is red and 'r' for white color. Genotype of plant 2: RR. Pink - heterozygous. This is the first filial generation, or F 1. 25%. The heterozygous genotype is expressed as pink. What is the phenotype of a plant with the genotype R'R'? Patterns of . The genotype is expressed as phenotype when the information encoded in the genes is used to make protein and RNA molecules. If a red-flowered plant is crossed with a white-flowered plant, the F1 generation has pink flowers.

(1 point) If a plant has white flowers, then its genotype must be pp. A.

While, if another plant is homozygous for red flowers, its genotype is RR. To have pink, genotype must be Rr. 25% Incorrect. Click hereto get an answer to your question In snapdragon, when pink flowers are crossed with white flowers then ratio of pink flowers and white flowers in the progeny is. Question. The two alleles are red (R) and white (W).

(The recessive alleles code for short plants and white flowers.)

What are the genotype and phenotype of the F1 individuals? Plants with the genotype rr have white flowers. Four hundred plants are produced from a cross between two Snapdragon plants that produce pink flowers.

The genotype of the purple-flowered plant is PP. If a pink-flowered plant is crossed with a white-flowered plant, what is the probability of producing a pink-flowered plant? A dwarf, red snapdragon is crossed with a plant homozygous for tallness and white flowers. Bernadette is blood type O.

Consider an example : Here , we have crossed a heterozygous ( the two alleles show dominant and recessive relationship vix T and . Assume R codes for red colour and r codes for white colour. What is the genotype of the plant whose phenotype appeared once out of every 16 offspring (the "1" in the 9:3:3:1 ratio)? This would lead to a 50% chance of the offspring having a phenotype of pink. The answer should be e: 100% Assume R codes for red colour and r codes for white colour.

a white-flowered four-o'clock has the genotype rr. asked May 12, 2019 in Biology by Farhat (78.1k points) A snapdragon plant homozygous for red flower when crossed with a white flowered plant of the same species produced pink flowers in F1 generation. In snapdragons, flower color is controlled by incomplete dominance. SURVEY. Flower color in snapdragons is an example of incomplete dominance. Flower color of snapdragons is one example of a phenotype, and the color is determined by. Genotype is the *genetic make-up * of an organism .

WHITE c. What is the phenotype of a plant with the . In the cross Rr above: rr = 2: 2 = 1: 1.

A red snapdragon is crossed with a white snapdragon, and the F 1 are intercrossed to produce F 2. answer choices. Tallness (T) in snapdragons is dominant to dwarfness (t), while red (R) flower color is dominant to white (r). . answer. 0%. 0 5 .

The two alleles are red (R) and white (R').

This would lead to a 50% chance of the offspring having a phenotype of pink.

Purebred white flowers have a genotype of . The heterozygous condition results in pink (Rr) flower color. A pink flower and a red flower are crossed. In snapdragons, flower color is controlled by incomplete dominance. The two alleles are Red (R) and White (W). Nineteen of the offspring plants had pink flowers. Answered: 5.

a. The F1-hybrid plants have a different phenotype (pink flowers) than either of the true-breeding parents.

Q. What would be the genotype of a pink flower?

a) What is the phenotype of a plant with the genotype RR?

The question states that the inheritance of flower color in snapdragons shows incomplete dominance. a. This would lead to a 50% chance of the offspring having a phenotype of pink. In a cross between two heterozygous (Rr) individuals, the expected ratio of red:pink:white-flowered offspring is 1:2:1. To have white flowers, genotype must be rr. To have pink, genotype must be Rr. In pea plants, purebred purple flowers have a genotype with two purple alleles, which produces a phenotype of purple petals. 3.

science. Purebred white flowers have a genotype of two white alleles, which displays the white phenotype. If .

1. Purebred white flowers have a genotype of two white alleles, which displays the white phenotype. The heterozygous genotype is expressed as pink. To have pink, genotype must be Rr. (ii) Explain how the three flower types shown above resulted from a cross . 60 seconds. So if a plant is homozygous for white flowers, its genotype is WW. In pea plants, the allele for purple flowers, P, is dominant over the allele for white flowers, p. Which conclusion about phenotype and genotype is possible? The heterozygous genotype is expressed as pink (RW). White flower genotype = rr. One sister has blood type A and the other has blood type B.


If this trait operates by incomplete dominance and the allele R represent red flowers and the allele r represents white flowers Reply:50% 50% In snapdragons, red flower color (R) is incompletely dominant over white flower color (r), so that the heterozygote has pink flowers. ____RED_____ b. (3) (e) What percentage of the offspring would you expect to have pink flowers?

What is the phenotype of a plant with a genotype of RR? Percentage = _____% (1) Commercially, hundreds of pink-flowered snapdragon plants can be produced from one pink-flowered plant. Answer (1 of 7): The results of F2 generation will depend on the genotype of F1.Red is homozygous red or heterozygous red, that will depend on the genotype .Suppose it is Homozygous Red then both genes are dominant red and so all F2 will be pink.and suppose red is heterozygous red or Rr then most.

A phenotype is the physical trait or feature of an organism that is the effect of a particular genotype. 5. In snapdragons, flower color is controlled by incomplete dominance.

Tallness (T) is dominant to dwarfness (t), while red (R) flower color is dominant to white (r). If a dihybrid pea plant heterozygous for flower colour (red dominant over white) and seed shape (round dominant over wrinkled) undergoes selfing, the number of . 5. What is the genotype of White Rose?

The flower color of snapdragon plants shows incomplete dominance. In a certain animal, black fur, B, is dominant to .

A cross between red-flowered snapdragons and white-flowered snapdragons produces offspring with pink . . If purple flowers are dominant in a plant and white flowers are recessive in that plant, then when purple-flowered plants with two dominant genes are mated with white-flowered plants with two recessive genes, the first generation of offspring should have. To have red flowers, the genotype must be RR. In Antirrhinum, two plants with pink flowers were hybridized.The F 1 plants produced red, pink and white flowers in the proportion of 1 red, 2 pink and 1 white. A. This would lead to a 50% chance of the offspring having a phenotype of pink.

; Phenotype is the morphology of an organism . W hen ever the R gene is present in the genotype of a plant, the flower color is always red. The heterozygous genotype is expressed as pink. As you can see, all of the offspring in Mendel's first cross had a genotype of Pp. A dwarf, red snapdragon is crossed with a plant homozygous for tallness and white flowers. A homozygous white-flowered plant is crossed with a homozygous dark purple-flowered plant. Pink flower genotype = Rr.

Crossing red flowers (RR) with white flowers (rr) in the punnet square will result in all 4 results being (Rr), which means 100% pink flowers. What is the phenotype of a plant with the genotype RR? a. A phenotype is the physical trait or feature of an organism that is the effect of a particular genotype. Assuming that R represents the red color allele for petal color, and r represents the white color allele, the homozygous RR genotype will produce the red color phenotype, the heterozygous Rr genotype will produce the pink color phenotype, and the homozygous rr genotype .

genotype of a plant with pink flowers if; crossing two pink snapdragons yields some seeds that produce red-flowering plants, some seeds that produce white-flowering plants and some seeds that produce pink flowering plants. The heterozygous genotype is expressed as pink. Plants with heterozygous genotypes have pink flowers. What is the phenotype of a plant with the genotype WW?

To have white flowers, genotype must be rr. Yes, if the type of inheritance is incomplete dominance, the heterozygous genotype Rr will be a blend of the R and r alleles. The phenotype is the observable trait that is produced by the genotype. All three have different genotypes but the first two have the same phenotype (purple) as distinct from the third (white). To have red flowers, the genotype must be RR. Suppose a pink-flowered plant is crossed with a pink-flowered plant. A) 100% white flowers. RR genotype individuals are red, Rr genotype individuals are pink, and rr genotype individuals are white. The genotype for the pink flower is Rr and the genotype for the white flower is rr. A) If there is no dosage effect, is it more appropriate to write the genotype for the white-flowered plant WW or pp ?

[1 mark] A gardener crossed two pink-flowered snapdragon plants. In a P generation cross between a homozygous red-flowered snapdragon (genotype C R C R) and a homozygous white flowered snapdragon (genotype C W C W), the offspring's genotype is C R C W, . - The pink and white flowers are also in similar proportions. a.

(d) Draw a Punnett square diagram to show why only some of the next generation plants had pink flowers. The punnett square to the right shows the possible genotypes of the Red snapdragon flowers crossed with white snapdragons produce pink flowers.

What is the genotype of the red-flowered pea plants in the F 1 generation? All of the seeds grow into pale purple-flowered plants. Snapdragons show an incomplete dominance pattern in flower color. In pea plants purebred purple flowers have a genotype with two purple alleles which produces a phenotype of purple petals. If we crossed red flowered snapdragons with each other, we would get all red flowers.This is an example of incomplete dominance. . Mendel noted the ratio of white flowered plants to purple-flowered plants was about 3:1.

In pea plants, purebred purple flowers have a genotype with two purple alleles, which produces a phenotype of purple petals.

What is the phenotype of a plant with the genotype WW?

Now, lets draw the punnett square for first generation (F1): So, we get plants bearing pink flowers,that is, 'Rr' is the genotype of all the plants in F1 generation.

Two plants were crossed. . B) 75% purple flowers and 25% white flowers. Besides flowers of snapdragon plants, the phenomenon of incomplete dominance is seen in heterozygous roses which show pink coloration in spite of the fact that the red color allele is dominant over white.

The heterozygous condition results in pink (Rr) flower color. The heterozygous genotype is expressed as pink. What percentage of offspring would we expect to be red?

A tall, purple-flowered pea plant (TtPp) is allowed to self-pollinate. In snapdragons, the color of the flower is controlled by incomplete dominance. What is the phenotype of a plant with the genotype RR? In snapdragons, flower color is controlled by incomplete dominance.

Answer: pink flowers 2. Since white flowers are recessive, the only possible genotype for a white-flowered plant is pp. Their offspring are all heterozygous Rr, and they have pink flowers. 7. kwony095. Gamete 1: W. Gamete 2: R. Explanation: Homozygous is a genetic condition where an individual inherits the same alleles from both parents.

Advertisement What is the genotype and phenotypes of the F 1 and F 2, along with their expected proportions? Red is completely dominant to white .

(Hint: Draw a Punnett square to help you answer the question.) Cross pollination is undertaken. When the F 1 generation cross-pollinates, their offspring will be RR, Rr, and rr in a 1:2:1 ratio.Some of their offspring (the F 2 generation) will inherit two R alleles, some will inherit two r alleles, and some will inherit both.. "/>