. in essential oil are monoterpenes hydrocarbons viz. components in the oil isolated from coriander fruit include oxygenated monoterpenes and monoterpene hydrocarbons (Bhuiyan et al., 2009). of plants to separate them into similar groups. C. sativumis an annual, herbaceous plant that grows 25 to 60 cm in height. components in the oil isolated from coriander fruit include oxygenated monoterpenes and monoterpene hydrocarbons (Bhuiyan et al., 2009).The most important constituents of coriander fruits are the essential oil and fatty oil. Essential oil contents in fruits increased when applying K 2 SO 4 , with the highest value obtained at an estimated dose of 153.8 mg kg -1 K, while for linalool this was estimated at 131.3 mg kg -1 K. The fruit is a three-sided yellow-green pod 1-2 cm long, filled with aromatic black and brown seeds. The juice of coriander is also used as an ayurvedic medicine for treating nausea, and morning sickness. Similarly, many root samples from different . The essential oils yields of four citrus peels during fruit maturation are shown in Table 1. Chemical structures of acyclic and monocyclic monoterpenes. The seeds are very rich source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and zinc. The EO of coriander showed eleven chemical constituents, among them two monoterpenes linalool (54.23%), and a-pinene (6.12%) and an aldehyde constituent cinnamaldehyde (17.01%) were the predominant one. Bio-fertilizer treatments increased the growth characters and essential oil composition of coriander compared with the chemical fertilizers treatments . False. 240 C Alfa Aesar A19872. This is the systematic naming of organisms into similar groups. The plant flowers from June to July and yields round fruits consisting of two pericarps The mericarps of coriander produce an essential oil-rich in monoterpenes (volatile C10 terpenoids) which have numerous . A report on the chemical constituent from hydrodistillation of oven dried peels of three species of citrus fruits viz., Citrus reticulata (C. reticulata), Citrus sinensis (C. sinensis) and Citrus paradisi (C. paradisi) by using the process of GC and GC/MS.The findings from their report have been depicted in Table 1 (Kamal and Jawaid, 2011). Monoterpenes: chemical structure of an independent Double terpenes: 2 times more than the monoterpenes . The different parts of this plant contain monoterpenes, limpnene, pinene, terpinene, pcymene, citronellol, borneol, camphor, coriandrin, geraniol, dihydrocoriandrin, coriandronsAE, flavonoids and essential oils. The main components in all oils were monoterpene alcohols (40.75% - 50.96%) and monoterpenes (32.43-38.44%). Abstract: The essential oils of Romanian coriander fruits (cultivar "Sandra") were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by means of GC and GC-MS. Sixty compounds were identified in the total essential oils. identification of their chemical composition. Misharina and Samusenko stored a mixture of lemon, coriander and clove buds essential oils (1:1:1) at room temperature in the light for 145 days. The general chemical composition present in coriander fruits are described in table 1. . RESULTS: Essential oil yield of coriander samples ranged from 0.30 to 0.68% (w/w) in fruit and seed, respectively. Green coriander contains 84% water. Indole occurs in neroli and some citrus fruit oils . The essential oil content of the weight of ripe and a dried fruit of coriander varies between 0.03 and 2.6% and the content of fatty oil varies between 9.9 .

The highest fruit yields and phosphorus and sulfur contents were observed in coriander plants fertilized with potassium sulfate. BACKGROUND: Seed and pericarp of coriander fruit were compared in terms of essential oil, fatty acids and sterols. It is also used in the treatment of colitis and some of the liver disorders. 40-60 cm long, with pointed tip. It contains a mixture of phenolic compounds called curcumin about 5%, and related compounds called curcuminoids, and a volatile oil about 5% with turmerone and zingiberene; cineole and other monoterpenes; starch; protein; and high amounts of vitamin A and other vitamins like vitamin C and E,several Monoterpenes are composed of two isoprene units of five carbon atoms each, totaling ten with at least one double bond. The enantiomeric distri- perature 97-105C, pressure 1 atm, yield 1.5%). The plant has both radical and cauline leaves. The main ingredients of the golpar fruit essential oil included hexyls butyrate (56.5%), hexyl-2-methyl butanoate (5.2%), octyl acetate (16.5%) and hexylisobutyrate (3.4%). Table 3. Table 4 Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes percentage of coriander essential oil under the influence of organic and chemical fertilizers and humic acid (average of 2 years). A review on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities 19 The most important constituents of coriander fruits were the essential oil and fatty oil. 229 C Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl acetate.

Coriander belong to family [22]. They undergo polymerization and dehydrogenation. Monoterpenes were the most dominant class of compounds, with linalool (48.4-54.3%) being the major The general category of terpenes can be subdivided into monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Linalool was the major compound in the whole fruit, seed and pericarp, with 86.1%, 91.1% and 24 . The fruit is a three-sided yellow-green pod 1-2 cm long, filled with aromatic black and brown seeds. Coriander (Coriandrum sativumL.) Monoterpenes were the most dominant class of compounds, with linalool (48.4-54.3%) being the major long.

Abstract Linalool ( / lnlol, la -, - lool, - lul /) refers to two enantiomers of a naturally occurring terpene alcohol found in many flowers and spice plants. About 97% of the present investigated coriander oil was monoterpenes, 87% of which were oxygenated. . The bicyclic monoterpenes may be regarded as chemical entities derived from: (a)para-Menthane - by direct fusion of2-C atoms and the formation of a simple bridge, and (b) . They are extremely aromatic secondary metabolites that all plants produce in natural oils. The prominent constituent of volatile oil are (+) . TABLE 2: DESCRIBES CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CORIANDER Nevertheless, the high content in monoterpene alcohols and monoterpenes recommends the use of the essential oil as immunomodulatory, an Coriander has been known as "Geshniz" in Iran.

Factorial field experiments were conducted in two locations from the Rolling Pampas, Argentina, and two coriander landraces (European and Argentinean) were tested under two levels of . Okra is one of the most important summer vegetables in South Asian countries including Nepal. Part of plant used for essential oil: seeds Extraction . Arthritis: lemon, coriander, basil, juniper, Ma Qiaolan ginger from Gali, cinnamon, rosemary, (happy) sage, hyssop, mint, Thyme, vetiver and violet. The detrimental effects of high salinity on plants can be observed at the whole-plant level as the death of plants and/or decreases the productivity [82]. 7. aroma of the coriander fruit and herb is completely different. Coriander is cremocarp fruit true or false. INTRODUCTION :- In India, coriander is known as 'dhania' in Hindi language.Coriander, (Coriandrum sativum), also called cilantro or Chinese parsley, feathery annual plant of the parsley family (Apiaceae),The small flowers are pink or whitish and are Chemical compound. The essential oil of coriander fruits (Sandra cultivar) does not meet the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia, especially concerning the content in linalool. True. Current study was aimed to clarify the influence of several fertilizer sources (chemical, organic, organomineral fertilizers) on yield and quality of coriander (Coriandrum . chemical composition of C21H20O6. The spicy flavor also caused by the kavisin which is an isomer bases piperine. Phytochemicals: The general chemical composition present in coriander fruits are described in Table 2. . No correlation between chemical constituents with therapeutic actions. Coriander ( Coriandrum sativum L.), is an annual herb in the Apiaceae family which disperses in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions. The essential oil content of dried coriander fruits varies between 0.03 and 2.6%, Esters are also key contributors to the fruity aroma. The results showed that great difference was observed in four chemical classes (oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated sesquiterpenes and others). 9. Simply put, the primary flavors come from the grape itself and are affected by things such as variety, clone, terroir and ripeness. Applied . Twenty-nine components were determined in essential oils, which were mostly alcohol monoterpenes.

Black pepper also contains monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Chemical composition of essential oil from the seed of coriander, Coriandrum sativum, is given in Table 1. . Linalool accounts for 70 11% of oxygenated monoterpenes content. Effect of macro and micro nutrients on essential oil of coriander fruits . B. Chemical composition of leaf and seed essential oil of Coriandrum sativum L Bangladesh J. Pharmacol. Monoterpenes such as myrcene, limonene, and others are light terpenes (think weight) that are responsible for a wide range of . Species and harvest time had significant effect on essential oil yield. A. Orange seeds. Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of multiple functions of the coriander plant, including its nutritional and nutraceutical benefits, with special reference to linalool. The residues remaining after distillation of the essential oil contain high fat and . The plant used in folk medicine, especially in Egypt, it has been known as one of the earliest spices. Essential oils mostly contain monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, which are C 10 H 16 (M W 136 amu) and C 15 H 24 (M W 204 amu), respectively. Abstract The Fruit of Coriandrum sativum L., Apiaceae, yielded three linalool-derived monoterpenes: (3S)-3,7-dihydroxy-3,7dimethylocta- 1,5-diene; (3S,5S)-3,5-dihydroxy-3,7-dimethylocta-1,7-diene. Chemical composition, antifungal, antioxidant and sprout suppressant activities of coriander . Environmental contamination and the excessive use of inorganic fertilizers resulting in stagnant yields of field crops which necessitate the utilization of combined fertilization approach under changing climatic conditions.

Which of the following is adulterant of coriander ?

Chemical constituents: The chief constituent of Coriander is volatile oil (0.15 to 1.0%), which contains 65 to 70% of (+)-linalool (coriandrol) and pinene. As has been reported by Zawislak[16], the EO content ranged 1.87%-2.33 . Influence of single and multi-bacterial fertilizer on the growth and fruit yield of tomato. and whitefly . The essential oil content of C. sativum fruits was 0.8% (v/w). Taxonomical Classification. The herb, commonly known as weed, seed, and even the dried weed of dill come packed with nutrients and have been used medicinally in cultures around the world to cure jaundice, headache, boils, lack of appetite, stomach problems, nausea, and liver problems, to name a few. Among the different intercrop combinations, the okra + coriander was found most effective that could be suggested as one of the alternative strategies to limit the population of pests; jassid and whitefly in okra. They are easily oxidized nearly by all the oxidizing agents. The objective was to study the essential oil composition of coriander fruits in plants growing in environments differing in soil conditions and weediness level. With fennel, cumin and Ammi majus, increasing salt concentrations of salts caused a significant reduction in the number of umbels, and fruit yield [1, 77, 7]. The fruit ripens from green to yellow . 40-60 cm long, with pointed tip. Chemical profile Carvacrol, thymol, eugenol, cinnamaldehyde linalool, oxygenated monoterpenes, monoterpene hydrocarbons Coriander seed: 60-70% linalool 20% hydrocarbons The flowers are white to lilac or pale violet and spike out to 12-24 in. The oil contains approximately 4% of aliphatic alcohols, 95% of aliphatic esters, and 1% monoterpenes, 37 esters and 17 monoterpenes (Hemati et al. The components of coriander essential oil can be grouped into ve structural classes (oxygenated monoterpenes, monoterpene hydrocarbons, aromatic compounds, nonterpenoid aliphates, sesquiter- pene hydrocarbons) with oxygenated monoterpenes being the most abundant (82 56%). microscopic characters, cultivation, chemical constituents and pharmacological uses. Other substances that produce an aromatic odor is the essential oil as much as 1-2.5% that contains piperonal, eugenol, safrole, methyl eugenol, and mirystissin. Chemical constituents: Coriander fruit contains volatile oil (2%).