The data will be disaggregated by gender, race/ethnicity, special population, and career clusters. The high school graduation rate for CTE concentrators is about 90% - 15 . If you are not sure, please contact your Area CTE Director. Credit is used to determine CTE concentrators -a student must complete at least two courses within the coherent sequence (and earn at least one credit in each) Even though Shuri completed a CTE course outside of the engineering program of study in the 11 th grade, she completed enough courses within the program of study to be coded a 2020-2021 At-A Glance Flyer. Rules: "Federal Definition of a CTE Concentrator: a postsecondary/adult student who (1) completes at least 12 academic or CTE credits (excluding developmental) within a single CTE program area sequence that is comprised of 12 or more academic and technical credits and terminates in the award of an industry-recognized credential, a certificate or a degree" become CTE concentrators. E xp lo r a to r y C TE co u r se s: A ny CTE course where the content explores more than one career pathway does not qualify as one of the two CTE courses towards a student's concentrator status. Different substances expand by different amounts. The updated Perkins V also defines terms as applied to CTE learnersfor example: "concentrators" vs. "participants.". A measure of the student's progression through his or her CTE program and required to be reported as part of a student's Program Fact record. In Arizona, secondary-level Perkins V grant sub-recipients are eligible to receive funding, through the CTE State Priority grant, for placements that are . Definition of 1P1 Postprogram Placement Perkins Law. The name of the report, for example, CTAC-102. Code 6 (CTE Concentrator) Definition: Shuri 27 Shuri moved to Texas in the 9 th grade and completed one Engineering program of study course this first year. Examples: Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Apparel, Computer Science, Sports Marketing, Academy of Finance, Drafting Architecture, Technological or Engineering Design, Foods, Automotive, Early Childhood, Health Science . CTE EOP Sample Test and Answer Key is available as a resource for academic and employability sample questions. then State Reporting Dashboard. CTE concentrators might also continue on to take "Culinary 1 and 2", which is a much more advanced course. On the Start Page, click State Reports. The Ikeda Theater at the Mesa Arts Center was standing room only as Mesa Public School's CTE Department honored over 1,200 students who have completed 2 years in a CTE Program of Study. LAST_NAME.

The system validates the data against the business rules set up for the collection and completes . Please refer to the perpetual calendar on the . Career and technical education (CTE) is the practice of teaching specific career skills to students in middle school, high school, and post-secondary institutions. o A CTE concentrator is any student that earned three or more credits in a CTE program of study or career cluster. Student becomes a concentrator in middle school after completing the 2nd WFD course (non-satellite), becomes a concentrator at the high school in grade 9 after completing one course under the same POC, then becomes a concentrator at LEA 3 in grade 11 after completing one course under the same POC. OREGON EXAMPLE Umatilla School District's CTE concentrator graduation rate is over 82 percent, nearly 18 percentage points higher than the district average. At the secondary level, "CTE concentrators" are learners who have completed at least two courses in a single CTE program. Examples of a Perkins managed course would generally include courses offered at a career center or a shared course at a member coop school. When the required work-based learning data is not submitted (note, a separate collection but still required for CTE reporting) the program's CTEBOT Accountability is artificially depressed (both 5s3 and 5s5). Student has at least one POC with 2 or more completed courses (3 in this example) Student has at least one completed course POC in the current FY. Business. Concentrators must have 1.0 credit in Level 1. Teachers participate in meaningful professional development on curricula and instruction, standards and assessment, and academic integration. These careers may require varying levels of educationincluding industry-recognized certifications, postsecondary certificates, and two- and four-year degrees." "[CTE] provides students of all ages with the academic and technical The concentrator is employed. Example: Class of 2019 graduation rate is considered final, October, 2019. Identify and include at least one (1) of the following indicators of career and technical education program quality a. (* The Texas standards for college readiness are provided at the end of this report. Effective in the 2017-18 school year, the definition of a student who concentratedin CTE was updated to ensure we were preparing students for postsecondary and career success. this indicator measures the percentage of CTE Concentrators who . Concentrators must have 1.0 credit in Level 1. . Once a student earns two course credits in a single CTE program of study or career cluster, he or she is counted as a CTE concentrator. There are more than 80 career and technical education centers (CTC) across Pennsylvania that offer PDE . Career Technical Education (CTE) is preparing students of all ages to help drive America's success and vitality, providing students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and to become lifelong learners. Student has no reported POC in current FY. 43.8% 46.0% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% CTE concentrators Non-CTE seniors y Source. CTE Concentrator - Secondary is identified as a student that has completed one foundational CTE credit and one additional CTE credit for a total of two CTE credits within the same approved CTE program of study. States and local grantees are required to collect and report performance outcome data on CTE concentrators. There are more than 80 career and technical education centers (CTC) across Pennsylvania that offer PDE . Accountability. CTE students who are enrolled in programs need to be identified and student outcome data provided by programs. Program intensity: "enrollee". Narrative performance report pursuant to 2 CFR 200.329 and 34 CFR 76.720; Financial reports pursuant to 2 CFR 200.328 and 34 CFR 76.720; and. An example of this sequence is provided below. . Students that complete a concentrator and capstone course are considered Max . Nearly 60 percent of district seniors qualified as CTE concentrators. No longer offering only traditional vocational education, CTE now offers a diverse range of subjects and career fields, including a number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects.In addition, the distinction between CTE and academic programs is slowly disintegrating as integrating academic . Data entry must be completed and certified by mid-June. LOC_IRN (Location IRN). CTE_PROG_OF_C ONCNTRT_CODE RESULT_CODE CTE_PROG_OF_C ONCNTRT_RPT_F LAG ALIGNED_COURS E_FLAG . The 2018 CTE Concentrator Graduation rate of 99.2% is evidence of how CTE is learning that works for North Carolina. Some advanced courses, such as 3-D Computer Animation (5530) and Sports and Entertainment Marketing (5984), no longer count toward concentrator status. year the student potentially first met the CTE Concentrator definition for the CTE Program of Concentration listed in the row. CTE Delivers for students: Real options for students for college and rewarding careers CTE programs allow students to explore a range of options for their future - inside and outside of the classroom. The concentrator is serving in active-duty military service, 4. Perkins Data Explorer - U.S. Department of Education; The Perkins Data Explorer lets you create custom reports using Consolidated Annual Report state data for CTE participant enrollment, CTE concentrator enrollment and CTE concentrator performance data, disaggregated for different learner groups and special populations and by Career Clusters. Next to the CTE Concentrator Calculation, click Run. . A common example of this is austenitic stainless steel/ferritic steel pipe butt joints used in energy-conversion plants. Career and technical education (CTE) in Pennsylvania offers students the opportunity to develop critical skills through a combination of classes and hands-on learning experiences, which allow them to apply academics to real-world problems. . CTE Statistics - National Center for Education Statistics Essentials CTE is at the forefront of innovation in education in Washington. Although course credits vary from credit to a full credit, a concentrator One example of this problem is found in diploma type reports that show . 3. Program Intensity will only be reported for "Participants" and "Concentrators" beginning in 2019-20. This program intensity has been discontinued. CTE Concentrator-A student who has completed one foundational CTE credit and one additional CTE credit for a total of two CTE credits within the same approved CTE program of study. CTE is split into 16 career clusters that apply to different high-demand careers: Health science. For example: There is plenty of data that proves students in CTE (Career and Technical Education) programs who make "Concentrator" status are more likely to graduate high school and enroll in secondary education or accept a job after graduation. The concentrator is volunteering in a national service program or in the Peace Corp, or 5. CTE EOP Sample Test and Answer Key. Connecting Every Learner: A Framework for States to Increase Access to and Success in Work-based Learning - Advance CTE, March 2021. . This guidance has been developed to clarify the components of this secondary program quality indicator. Definition of Perkins V Secondary Concentrator CTE concentrator means, at the secondary school level, a student served by an eligible recipient who has completed either: a. For example, the user may not edit schools until he/she has imported schools. CONCENTRATOR (definition) A "Concentrator" is any student enrolled in any course (CTE or academic) that specifically addresses the Connecticut CTE Performance Standards and Competencies in one of Connecticut's 21 areas of concentration.

Use the following steps to generate the CTE Concentrator Calculation report. (We cannot say The formula produces a wide range of state level allocations. For example, in Arkansas, a CTE concentrator is any student who earns three credits in a program of study (Arkansas Department of Education [ADE], 2021). For the 2021-2022 school year, it is expected that competencies and PCCs will be used to identify participants, concentrators, and completers for the following CIP Codes: 51.0000 Health Sciences/Allied Health/Health Sciences, General Improving Equity in and Access to uality CTE ProgramsM 4 for Students Eperiencing Homelessness AING GOOD PROMISE on the grades.3 High-quality career advising should be a school- and community-wide effort, with effective coordination between school counselors and school administration and active participation from This quantitative study examined the relationship between the technical skill assessment performance of CTE concentrators with disabilities and their placement after high school. Any two levels must sum to two (2) credits within a program of study. For several decades, Career and Technical Education (CTE) has been evolving. CTE Concentrators - Non-inmate CTE Students who have completed at least one credit-level course while registered in a CTE program of study during the reporting year and have completed 12 or more cumulative CTE credit hours while registered in a CTE program of study by the end of the reporting year. Code 6 (CTE Concentrator) Definition: Shuri 27 Shuri moved to Texas in the 9 th grade and completed one Engineering program of study course this first year. ), are .

Based on your child's . than one program in the cluster, the student is only counted once. Program partnerships and advisories "CTE prepares both youths and adults for a wide range of careers and further educational opportunities. CTE Concentrator: At the secondary school level, a student who has completed at least two course credits in a single Career and Technical Education (CTE) program of study or career cluster. Of the 4,582 seniors in ready. Over small temperature ranges, the thermal expansion of uniform linear objects is proportional to temperature change. The total number of CTE concentrators enrolled in CTE courses offered for dual or concurrent credit during the entire school year. For example, state educaion agencies in Nebraska and South Dakota have enacted CTE- Umatilla High School's largest CTE Program of Study, Business Management Administration, had 47 This is simply to identify whether this is a CTE District level course or is this program of study a school-based offering. Any two levels must sum to two (2) credits within a program of study. for example, for placement, explorers would be by definition less likely to gain employment immediately in a particular field. MPS CTE Department Honors Concentrators The stage is set to honor students who have completed two years of a CTE Program of Study. CTE Concentrator . . concentrator status in the program and can be placed into a paid career training experience during the second semester. CTE is split into 16 career clusters that apply to different high-demand careers: Health science. Results indicate that: White students and males were somewhat more likely to concentrate in CTE than students in other groups Students with an Individualized Learning Plan in 9. th For example, if a student took their third class in a program of study in 2016-17, then that student can be marked as a concentrator in eTIGER, and once marked, the student would now be a . Concentrators must have 1.0 credit in Level 1. For example, a student who reached CTE concentrator status graduated in this school year could have participated in the state reading/language arts assessment in the 10th grade and in the mathematics assessment in the 11th grade. RPTING_LEA_ IRN SSID. The law defines CTE Concentrator as a secondary student who completes at least two courses in a single program area or a postsecondary student who . secondary program quality indicator will be the percentage of CTE concentrators graduated from high school having participated in work-based learning. In this example the occupations that met the statewide criteria for in-demand and high wage were selected . Secondary Example: CTE Concentrators. Consolidated Annual Report (CAR) Under the Perkins legislation and applicable Department regulations, eligible agencies are required to submit the following reports each year. CTE for Students With Disabilities series . 4. However, the purpose of the CTE EOP Online Sample Test is to practice using the online testing environment to become familiar with test format and to run on each device that will be used for live . Frequently Asked Questions . Business. Seniors that are CTE Concentrators are administered this test, free of charge, at their high school in the second semester. Example: 1000000009 : 2020-2021 PIMS Manual Ver 1.3 Volume 1 Page 185 Release Date: 4/1/2021 : CIP the student was enrolled : Field No. The percentage of CTE concentrators (see Text Box 6 for the statutory definition of a CTE concentrator under section 3(12) of Perkins V) graduating from high school having attained a recognized postsecondary credential; one of the two CTE courses when identifying concentrators because the student had the option to select the course. It will provide definitions and examples of work-based learning experiences. This resource outlines a five-step framework to address equity gaps in work-based learning, featuring exemplar programs from seven states and two cities. Perkins V Recorded Webinar 8/2/18 ( Webinar) A one-hour recorded webinar from ACTE that covers the main provisions of Perkins V. In this case, the data reported for the students in this school year would be based on the reading/language arts . enrollment and completion for historically marginalized learners, with examples from Alaska and Minnesota. The TEA will provide combined CTE concentrator and completer data along with supporting data charts and graphs for each core indicator. THE COEFFICIENT OF LINEAR thermal expansion (CTE, a, or a1) is a material property that is indicative of the extent to which a material expands upon heating.

A postsecondary concentrator is defined as a student who earns at least 12 credits in the same CTE program or program of study or completes a program of fewer than 12 credits or its equivalent. March 2022 End of Year CTE Collection Guide 3 District Edition Users: Direct Entry Method (MT Edition Users, go to page 4) Note: All 9-12th grade students enrolled in the 2020-21 school year that meet the requirements as a CTE participant or concentrator should have data entered, even if they are no longer actively enrolled (including Early Graduates). INIT_CTE_CONCTRT_STATUS_YEAR First FY in which the student met CTE Concentrator status for the POC NON_TRDTNL_CONCNTRT_FLAG (Y/N flag) Indicates if the student is a non-traditional student for the POC ALIGNED_CTE_TECH_ASESMNT_CODE The legacy POC tech assmt code (example: 03MC) if reported PROF_CODE This number can reflect . For example, in keeping with the culinary example, students could earn a culinary credential such as SafeServ or engage in a ProStart. earning two or more CTE credits within a program of study (US Department of Education, 2019). compares the college readiness* of 2010-2011 seniors who were CTE concentrators with that of all other (non-CTE) seniors. The complete specifications can be found in the data specification document o Program of Study o Course Sequence o CTE Students Enrolled (Participant) o Concentrator o Completer o Recognized Credential o Postsecondary Credit Level 1 includes the foundational courses. 12511 et seq. Utah CTE At-A-Glance. CTAC-102 Example. CTE Conc Level 2 Reports-Elements cont. Real CTED names/locations are used, but no sensitive . Even though Shuri completed a CTE course outside of the engineering program of study in the 11 th grade, she completed enough courses within the program of study to be coded a statewide CTE assessment. Sales. Note: . A student is counted once as a concentrator in each career cluster for the program of concentrator status. IF (for example) 5S3: WBL is on IP status, notice also whether there was an increase/decrease in percentage of CTE Concentrators participating in WBL-Diversified, ACTE-SPED, or program area NOTE: There weren't any changes in the Course Report, so, be sure to check this report for historical enrollment trends Districts involved Any two levels must sum to two (2) credits within a program of study. This is the Location IRN of the WFD course as reported in the Course Master (CN) Record. . AISD . segments reported for part of a CTE program at the time competencies are implemented. Roughly 20 percent of high school graduates completed a 3-credit concentration in a CTE program in 2013. . CTE concentrator definition above to determine the population of students to which to apply the Perkins Act's accountability measures. CTE Concentrator-A student who has completed one foundational CTE credit and one additional CTE credit for a total of two CTE credits within the same approved CTE program of study. The list of collections for the school appears. This session focuses on recommendations that are in line with Perkins V Performance [] It contains over 100 hands-on exercises on simple and . Career and technical education (CTE) in Pennsylvania offers students the opportunity to develop critical skills through a combination of classes and hands-on learning experiences, which allow them to apply academics to real-world problems. Sec 113(b)(2)(B)(i) The percentage of CTE concentrators who, during the second quarter after program completion, remain enrolled in postsecondary education, are in advanced training, military service, or a service program that receives assistance under title I of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. The Perkins Data Explorer lets you create custom reports using Consolidated Annual Report state data for CTE participant enrollment, CTE concentrator enrollment and CTE concentrator performance data, disaggregated for different learner groups and special populations and by Career Clusters. Females in Career & Technical Education . For instance, variations in the percentage of courses offered that are CTE are systematically and positively related to the proportion of students who become CTE "concentrators". For example, for fiscal year 2018, the formula allocations ranged from $4.6 million (AK, D.C., WY) to as much as $120 million (CA). Some examples of courses that will no longer count are shared below: Foundational, Introductory, and the Work-Based Learning Capstone (5974) or Cooperative Education (6162) courses. Concentrator: CTE course that provides industry pathway specific content skills leading to a single industry competency skill set. As another example students at schools that convert to charter school status are less likely to become CTE concentrators. There was a decrease or increase in the number of postsecondary CTE concentrators for PY 2019-20 in each of the cluster areas due to methods that UHCCS adopted to be more precise with identifying students as CTE Participants . Example: the student is considered a Graphic and Digital Design Concentrator and complete all their courses by the 11th grade although concentrators are not determined until their senior year. 1. Example 2: The pupil has successfully completed a state-approved CTE program during the junior year; and therefore can be placed into a paid work-based learning experience covering that program's standards the second year. Thermal Expansion/CTE Testing Service C-Therm has recently partnered with Rigaku, and is selling their differential TMA in the United States. the shift in focus away from actual cte concentrators will undermine stakeholders' ability to build coherent pathways and meet employer needs by reducing the focus on and importance of this population, setting back 2019-20 . When student concentrator counts are not accurate (example, when an LEA uses the local instead of the federal definition) it "Concentrator Status" used to vary depending on your state, but is now defined by Perkins V as students who complete at least two CTE courses in a single . Learn how you can leverage the power of Common Table Expressions (CTEs) to improve the organization and readability of your SQL queries. Career and technical education (CTE) is the practice of teaching specific career skills to students in middle school, high school, and post-secondary institutions. CTE Concentrators are students who have earned a minimum of 2 or 3 credits in a sequence of a career related pathway . examples of the use of Leadership funds and all other categories of Perkins funding. Indicator/Definition from Perkins 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 1S2: Extended Graduation Rate . Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs in Washington are aligned with rigorous industry and academic standards. From an exploration of public data from the Department of Labor and published Career Education trends, to recorded interviews of real-world professionals on the job, and conversations with hundreds of teacherslearn about emerging opportunities for updating, changing, or rebuilding CTE Career Pathways. same CTE program or program of study. Capstone: The final course in a planned sequence of courses that provides a rigorous and intensive culmination of a course of study. For example, for performance reporting for 2021, Minnesota largely reported on the 2019-2021 cohort, which included students who entered a Minnesota State college in 2018-2019 academic year and were tracked through the next two academic years, for a total of three years. For example, 90 . The commonly used abbreviation CTE stands for Common Table Expression.. To learn about SQL Common Table Expressions through practice, I recommend the interactive Recursive Queries course at The revised definition requires that a student who . Under Perkins IV, the Department of Education released non-regulatory guidance to suggest a . For example, many states have chosen to create credit equivalencies for the definition of "course," to ensure . Level 1 includes the foundational courses. At the postsecondary level, CTE concentrators are enrolled learners that have earned at . Major Tenets of Perkins V ( PDF) A one-page overview of the major tenets of The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) from Advance CTE and ACTE. LEVEL_2_REC_TYPE_CODE. 172,020 Students Enrolled in CTE Courses; 96.1% Graduation Rate for Students Who Are CTE Concentrators; 101,532 CTE Concurrent Enrollment (CE) Credits Earned; 64,864 CTE Skill Certifications Earned** 10,752 Third-Party Certifications Earned** **COVID-19 Impacted Certifications Earned Career and Technical Education (CTE) Domain Perkins V changes will be added as Out-of-Cycle PIMS Changes, when they are completed. CTE concentrator is a new definition in Perkins V which means "a student served by an eligible recipient who has completed at least two courses in a single career and technical education program or program of study (in New York this means a NYSED-approved program)". The study found that CTE concentrators (students who complete a sequence of CTE courses aligned to a speciic career ield such as manufacturing or educaion and training) were 7 percentage points more likely than non-CTE concentrators to graduate . The screens/examples shown in this presentation do not include any sensitive student information. Sales. Yet, states may require students to take more than the minimum two credits to be a concentrator. CTE Concentrator Definition: A CTE concentrator is a student, served by an eligible recipient, who has completed at least 2 courses in a single .